Distribution Food to the Needy
Bhagat ji Apna Ghar ( virdh ashram )
Bhagat ji child home
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Know Us

sant Baba Jamit Singh Ji Chartable Trust is a Registered Nonprofit Social Organization working not only for child development, it is working for the development of poor people ,with that NGO works on environment and also on the stray animals which are cause of accidents . it is working on the skill of new generation across India to build better future .

Recent Event

Sant Baba Jamit Singh Ji Chartable Trust, We currently have one shelter home both for girls and boys consisting of 35 children in total – 20 girls and 15 boys.one senior citizen home consisting of 70 members , One shelter house for stray animals . Recently we start de addicting and rehabilitation house. every third month we are planting plants in every village .

Donate Us

At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.”

―Mother Teresa

Our Mission

To make efforts for the good of humanity . In this regard, any kind of work that can improve the human being and save the enivornment is done by the organization 

Our Vision

In a better way , projects like old age homes , orphanages and enclosures for stray animals , environment care are being run by our NGO . We are planning to expand all our projects across India soon 


Main Acticities

Here some activites of our Sant Baba  Jamit Singh Ji Chartable Trust.


The natural environment or natural world encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally, meaning in this case not artificial.

Vocational Education

Vocational education is education that prepares people to work as a technician or to take up employment in a skilled craft or trade as a tradesperson or artisan.

Old Age Home

old people's home can also refer to a nursing home – is a multi-residence housing facility intended for the elderly.

Education of Droughts

We are provide education for every droughts.as soon as we possible.

Awareness Camp for drug addicts

We are organize medical camp regularly for every drug addicts persone.

Girl Safety

The status of women in India has been subject to many changes over the span of recorded Indian history

Healthcare of the Elderly

The elderly population is one of the most vulnerable populations in the world of health care, mainly because of their susceptibility to contracting disease

Education of Orphans

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits.

Distribution Food to the Needy

Hunger is not a problem. It is an obscenity. How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world

Medical Camps

We are organize medical camp for ever persone, who can't affort this.

Homeless People Impacted
0 +
Senior Citizens Impacted
0 +
COWS Impacted
0 +
Student Impacted
0 +
0 +
Trees Planted
0 +
0 +

Stories in Motion

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Mother India

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